Below is a selection of some of the films and videos made by Blake Hutchison for Sansevieria Media Group between 2007 and 2018. This is neither, nor should it be construed to be a complete list. He's actually got over 140 videos on his YouTube channel alone over the years, not counting the ones still on the old channel we still maintain. WARNING: Some videos may not be safe for work or school. Film School English is often spoken in Blake's work!
What This Straight Ally Did For Pride Day (2018)
Possibly Breaking a Dumb Law in Marion, Ohio
Doki Slap! (2016)
The Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese Anti-Spanking Argument (2015)
Vigilante Sayonara (2014)
First Day of Spring in Ohio (2018)
Not Naming Names... (2017)
Tallscreen Videos Suck (2016)
Enjoy The Show (2014)
Wyatt and the Matchmaker (2007)