Media and Logistics
Become Your Own Boss!
Use our referral links/codes to get started making deliveries for Amazon, Postmates, Doordash, and Roadie, or transporting passengers through the Uber and Lyft platform and you could qualify for some big bonuses!
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Amazon Flex
You can make at least $18 per hour and choose which days of the week you work delivering packages for Amazon Flex. We don't have a referral link for this one, but you can check their website out at http://flex.amazon.com
Become a Postmate and you could qualify for a promotion that guarantees you will make at least $650 for your first 60 deliveries in Columbus, Ohio (possibly elsewhere too). Use code FL-bi8t or our link https://pmfleet.app.link/feAcEyOV9U
Use our link to start driving for Lyft and complete 130 rides in your first 60 days and you could earn at least $950. https://lyft.com/drivers/BLAKE24394
Use my link https://partners.uber.com/i/blakeh8773ui for $150 guaranteed for your first 25 trips in Columbus (terms apply). Not in Columbus? That's OK, you still qualify for the guarantee available in your market (and sometimes it's even better!: https://partners.uber.com/i/blakeh8773ui